Day 19 Magic Practic (Magical Footsteps)


Today’s practice is based on a habit of Einstein. It is said that Einstein said thank you a hundred times every day. He was grateful for every single thing that he had or experienced. He was a man who knew he was not an island, and that his very wellbeing was related to the toil of others, whether it was the clothes on his back, the desk at which he sat, he was grateful for everything.

Today’s magic practice involves expressing this type of gratitude. And what better way to remind you than by each and every footstep you take. So throughout the day each time your foot hits the ground you can be reminded to say ‘thank you’. Or you can choose certain times, like when you’re walking alone to you class, or to the store, or in the shopping mall.

It doesn’t matter where you are, the important thing is to say ‘thank you’ with every step you take.

Imagine the immense sense of gratitude you’ll feel by the end of the day.

And as the law of attraction has it, the more you feel grateful, the more things to be grateful for, will come your way, as you align yourself with gratitude.


Day 18 The Magic Practice (Magical To-do List)


We all have things to do, but sometimes never get down to it. Perhaps it’s because we don’t know where to begin to even get it done, perhaps the task is boring and laborious, or maybe we just don’t have the time to do it.

Imagine there was an easy way to complete your task. And sure with The Magic, you can.

The key here is to consider it done before you have even started. As with all magic practices you have to put in feeling, a feeling of achievement in this case of having gotten it done, and of course the magic ingredient gratitude. If it’s something that you have been holding off for a long time, then after visualising it done, it won’t be that hard to evoke feelings of gratitude and achievement. What better reward than crossing a task off your list!


So here goes:

Step one:

Make a list of three things that you really want get done

Step two:

Visualise that it has already been done for you

Step three:

Feel what you would feel if it were done already, let that feeling linger.

Soon you will find the quickest, easiest way to do it, you might be inspired to do it in a certain way that makes it more fun, or you’ll do it just for that sense of achievement that settles down within you after it is done.

Before I had stumbled across The Magic, I used to do this whenever I didn’t have the drive to clean my home. I would imagine how I would feel after everything is sparkling and spotless, (I loathe clutter) and how I would get on with more important things, like my creative projects and writing. A clean sparkling environment means a clean, sparkling mind!

Hope you enjoyed Day 17 Magic Practice (The Magic Check), it’s my all time favourite.

Here’s an interesting video clip to inspire abundance:

Have a Magical Day 🙂




Day 17 The Magic Practice (The Magic Check)

By now we know that being grateful for something before you have even received it, and for the highest good of all, leads you to obtaining the desired item or money.

You can have anything you want as long as you know what you want, ask for it, and believe that it is coming your way.

For some of us, not used to getting big things, asking for a Ferrari might seem impossible, and of course your vibrations will not be positive, and the universe will not feel your belief, it will only sense your doubt, and more doubt about your achieving it will manifest. Instead, you can try to manifest a simpler car, not as expensive, but achievable, despite your current circumstances.

So today, print out the magic check above  (many if you’d like), and write down amount you want, start small, if a huge amount is overwhelming. Place the check where you can see it, look at it as many times as possible during the day, and feel that you have received the money and item you desire to obtain with the money.

The key is to believe it is yours, visualise yourself buying owning that new suit or dress, shoes, or car, with immense gratitude.

The first time I did this practice, my thinking was kind of small so, I decided to manifest a small amount. The very next day, someone sent me airtime by mistake, it was a very small amount but enough to make about a few calls and send texts. I wanted to return it, as it was obviously a mistake,  but the sender sent a message to keep it anyway. What a joy it was, if only airtime, and from then on I decided to manifest bigger things. Start small and work your way up.

Remember, believe you already have it, and be grateful for it.




Day 16 magic Practice (Magical Health)

When we are young and youthful we tend to take our health for granted. It just is. You feel invincible because you don’t suffer all those ailments you often see others suffering from, the kid in your class who always used to wheeze, grandma and her aching limbs, the neighbour with the slight limp. It all seems to happen to other people only, and not to you.

However, health risks are always staring from the horizon, waiting to pounce when you least expect it. But there is a way to avoid this from ever happening. Obsess about illness, and you start becoming ill, think yourself in terms of health and vitality, and attract more health and vitality into your life.

So how do you do this, and if you are ill, can you ‘cure’ yourself of it.

You can do this by mentally imagining the ideal state of whatever it is you wish to be healed. If it is your vision, imagine that you have perfect vision, does this a few minutes a day, imagine how it would feel to be able to see everything clearly without any aids. If you suffer from a kidney disease, forget what the doctor says, imagine your kidneys perfect and fully functional. Do this daily, and believe this is true. There is so much evidence of how the mind controls either the ill or good health of one’s body. Let it be the positive thoughts in your mind and feelings that heal you. And gratitude has that power to heal, because the more grateful you are, the more you’ll attract what you are grateful for.

So now it’s time to show gratitude for all the health you had in your life, and the health that will come in future.

Step 1:

Look back at your past, and think of three times in your life that you were most grateful for your health. Say thank you, thank you, thank you, and say it like you mean it, with the utmost feeling of gratitude.

Step 2:

Look at your current health and choose five aspects of your health that you are grateful for, and say thank you, thank you, thank you. It could be your kidneys, arms, legs, eyes, ears, they all provide a unique function that no other part can do as well. Your hands that help you to type if you are a typist, your voice that helps you to sing, your legs that take you places, especially if your job involves moving around a lot, and not only this, but you can do so many things independently, because of your legs, the list is endless. You are blessed with so many wonderful abilities through the functions of your body, and it’s healthy parts.

Step 3:

Think about the health you would like to maintain or attain in future.  Choose one aspect that you would like to improve. If you are suffering from an ailment, imagine that in future it is fully healed. This good be your eyesight, blood pressure, heart condition, anything that can be healed, is possible.

So many people, upon hearing that they have an illness focus on it in a negative state, always looking for clues that they are worsening, and putting all their feelings and thoughts into their own demise. As the law of attraction would have it, you will attract more of it. So put your thoughts and feelings, all your energy into a sense of a healthy state of body and mind.

The best thing or your health, no matter what state you are in, is to be grateful for it.

Day 15 Magic Practice (Magically Heal Your Relatiionships)

By now we should know that whatever feelings we have, these feelings multiply, they are vibrations you send to the universe, and the universe will try to match it by sending you more of it.

So if you are feeling bad about a relationship, guess what? The bad feelings will multiply because what you send out, returns to you.

So what if someone hurt you so bad, and you can’t let go of that feeling? Can’t forgive? Can’t bless that person? Don’t worry if you fall in this category you are very normal, it takes courage above the normal, to be able to transcend the hurt and pain someone as caused you. They may have done a terrible injustice, and it has impacted you really badly.

But according to the author of ‘The Magic’, there is gold in every relationship. In order to see this you have to let go of who was right, and who was wrong. You can acknowledge that it is the past, and can no longer have power over you in a negative way, but can benefit you.

Whether it is you father, mother, ex partner, a sibling, an unpleasant encounter with a stranger, it does not matter. What matters is seeing how this negative experience as made you a stronger person.

For example, if you have an ex boyfriend/ex husband who is burning up your life write down this person’s name and thank him…

Y..(the person’s name) Thank you for the experience i had with you, it taught me what to avoid in my next relationship so that I can make better choices in choosing a partner in future.

An uninvolved mother…

Mom, thank you for the experience I had with you, I now see the importance of what a mom means, and I know that everything that I have longed for as a child from you, and never got, I will give to my own children. I will shower them with all the love and affection in my heart.

A teacher who said something horrible and affected you in a bad way;

Mr Y (name) Thank you for what you said to me, it made me realise that there are really weak people in this world, and it takes a weak person to say something this horrible, as a teacher myself, I now guard my words and makes sure that every word that comes out of my mouth nurtures that child’s self-esteem, and therefore I am loved as a teacher.

Pick one person with whom you have a negative relationship, and thank them for the experience you had with them, using the  format above.

As you see how the person has helped you to be a better person, you slowly begin to let go of that negative feeling, and will instead bear positive thoughts which will help you more on your path to abundance.

Day 14 Magic Practice (Have a Magical Day)

Every so often we wake up and get out of bed in a bad mood, and thus event after event throughout the day goes wrong, and by the end of the day you might feel terribly miserable and very well defeated. Some of us do not make the connection to how we start the day and the outcome of the day. But these two are very closely related. Wake up with negative thoughts and things will spiral out of control. Wake up with positive thoughts, and your day will proceed much better, sure there will be obstacles, but these you can handle.

Therefore today’s magical practice is all about starting a magical day by mentally scanning all your activities throughout your day even before you started your day, and says thank you, thank you, thank you that each activity resulted in a positive outcome. For example, if you don’t like your job say, ‘thank you, thank you, thank you that I had a great day at work’. Say it as if it already happened, and feel it as if it were real. Do this with each and every single thing that you are expecting to be accomplished today, and see and feel it having been accomplished successfully before you even start.

Whether the task is simple or challenging, show gratitude, that you had gone through your day in a successful manner.

Just try this, and compare it to any other day where you allow your mood, and subconscious thoughts to take over, and you will see a difference in you thoughts, feelings, and therefore outcomes.

As the law of attraction states, ‘whoever is grateful for ……… will be given more, and whoever is ungrateful for……….will be given less.’

So give gratitude in all that you do, and watch your abundance and happiness expand.

Day 13 Magic Practice (Make All Your Wishes Come True)

Today’s magic practice is to me a thrilling activity, it brings much wonderment into one’s  life and keeps one walking on air for hours afterwards. Keep doing this practice and it will keep going for days, until you feel it
real, or indeed manifests. That’s when you know that your thoughts and reality is at the frequency you want it
to be.

Make a list of your top 10 desire, using a pen and paper, or sitting at the computer.Now rewrite at as if it really happened, and you are grateful for your desires manifesting into reality.

For example if you would like to get your dream job, write thank you, thank you, thank you for giving me my dream job
(at so and so)…

Do this with ten other desires, whether it is that you found your life partner, bought the car of your dreams, healed from an illness, write it as if it really happened, and feel the gratitude.

Now for each one imagine:

How did you feel when you heard the good news? Who was the first person you told? What did you do upon achieving your desired goal? Make it as real as possible.

The law of attraction doesn’t know the difference between reality and imagination, whatever you think and feel about yourself, the world around you, is what the universe believes is real, and what the universe believes is real, it brings in more of those thoughts and feelings into your life.

So only when you can truly experience your desires as real, will the universe reward you with it.

Day 12 Magic Practice (People Who Made a Difference)

All of us have come across some person or other who has made a huge positive impact in our lives. We might not have realised the value of this person back then, but over the years, and looking back, we see that it was a certain person who inspired us to be where we are today.

It might be a teacher, an uncle or aunt, a neighbour, a counselor, nanny, it could be anyone who instilled within you a seed of faith about your ability to do something and it spurred you on to explore and excel in this endeavor.

Your task is to be grateful for this person. Probably, you have lost contact with the person concerned, or you would feel awkward approaching him/her at this point, or whatever the situation may be.

But you can still have an imaginary talk with this person. In fact, choose three people whom you are truly grateful for, and tell them why you are grateful to them, and how their involvement in your life has made a huge positive difference in where you are today.

For me, this person is my best friend, so mine will like something like this:

Thank you, Y, for being a true friend to me. So many people had given up and turned their backs on me, but always, you remained faithful and steadfast at my side. Just by doing so, I learned to love myself, because I knew that at least one person out there cared for me. You cared and believed in me so much that I started learning to love and like people, enough to want to improve their lives too and inspire them, to never give up, and that every day is a second chance. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Do the same with two other people who made a huge impact on your life. According to the author of ‘The Magic’ it is best to ‘speak’ to all three chosen persons in a row, because that will amplify the feeling of gratitude.

And as the LOA states, the more you feel gratitude, the more it multiplies.

Day 10 Magic Practice (Magic Dust Everyone)

So as we know, gratitude brings abundance, the more you are grateful for something the more you will receive more of that which you are grateful for. It’s that simple.

So often we tend to be only grateful for the material thing we receive, or those closest to us, thus forgetting all the hundreds of people everyday who provide services to us on a daily basis. The waitress in the restaurant, the cashier in the store, the cleaners at your work/home, the person who mends your bags, the call centre agent who handles y, the list goes on.our query. Without all these people, we could not even be able to function effectively in our own lives. People are providing services for us, at whatever pay they may receive, they are doing it for us, making our lives easier. And we have to be grateful for them.

It is not always possible to say thank you to each and every person who provides a service to us, especially if it is indirectly, therefore, the author of ‘The Magic Practice’ recommends that you give a silent thank you to the person, while looking straight in their eyes and imagine sprinkling gratitude’s magic dust over them. It is your way of acknowledging and honouring all those who are making your life better. It is important to look into their eyes, says the author, looking down and saying thank you is not as effective, and does not show the immense gratitude from within when we do it that way.

So today, while you go about your regular daily routines at home, work or wherever say thank you, or  magic dust at least 10 people whose services you are benefiting from.

It does not cost much to do this, in fact it makes us more connected to others, and  as the Law of Attraction states, ‘whoever is grateful, will be given more.’

Day 8 Magic Practice (The Magic Ingredient)

In today’s magic practice we will remember to say ‘thank you’ for every single food or drink that we will take in.

Look at your breakfast table, and be thankful for each and every item on your plate. If you are eating eggs, think of the chicken that produced the egg, and be grateful for it. If you are having fruit for example, think of the fruit pickers who sweat long hours often  in the harsh sunshine picking fruits, so that we can have the ease of just picking them up at the supermarket. Think of the fisherman who went out to sea to get the fish that now lies so easily on your plate before you. Be grateful for every grain of sugar, for every pinch of salt, because even these were brought to you through the toil of someone else, to make your lives easier.

The writer of ‘The Magic’ also shares how she often waves her hands over her food and drink as if sprinkling ‘magic dust’ of gratitude before eating and and drinking.

Be thankful for your food,  where it came from, and the people involved in making it so much more accessible to you.

So remember your blessings to have every single food item and drink at your disposal, and magic dust your food if you can.



Whoever is grateful, will be given more.