Day 19 Magic Practic (Magical Footsteps)


Today’s practice is based on a habit of Einstein. It is said that Einstein said thank you a hundred times every day. He was grateful for every single thing that he had or experienced. He was a man who knew he was not an island, and that his very wellbeing was related to the toil of others, whether it was the clothes on his back, the desk at which he sat, he was grateful for everything.

Today’s magic practice involves expressing this type of gratitude. And what better way to remind you than by each and every footstep you take. So throughout the day each time your foot hits the ground you can be reminded to say ‘thank you’. Or you can choose certain times, like when you’re walking alone to you class, or to the store, or in the shopping mall.

It doesn’t matter where you are, the important thing is to say ‘thank you’ with every step you take.

Imagine the immense sense of gratitude you’ll feel by the end of the day.

And as the law of attraction has it, the more you feel grateful, the more things to be grateful for, will come your way, as you align yourself with gratitude.


Day 18 The Magic Practice (Magical To-do List)


We all have things to do, but sometimes never get down to it. Perhaps it’s because we don’t know where to begin to even get it done, perhaps the task is boring and laborious, or maybe we just don’t have the time to do it.

Imagine there was an easy way to complete your task. And sure with The Magic, you can.

The key here is to consider it done before you have even started. As with all magic practices you have to put in feeling, a feeling of achievement in this case of having gotten it done, and of course the magic ingredient gratitude. If it’s something that you have been holding off for a long time, then after visualising it done, it won’t be that hard to evoke feelings of gratitude and achievement. What better reward than crossing a task off your list!


So here goes:

Step one:

Make a list of three things that you really want get done

Step two:

Visualise that it has already been done for you

Step three:

Feel what you would feel if it were done already, let that feeling linger.

Soon you will find the quickest, easiest way to do it, you might be inspired to do it in a certain way that makes it more fun, or you’ll do it just for that sense of achievement that settles down within you after it is done.

Before I had stumbled across The Magic, I used to do this whenever I didn’t have the drive to clean my home. I would imagine how I would feel after everything is sparkling and spotless, (I loathe clutter) and how I would get on with more important things, like my creative projects and writing. A clean sparkling environment means a clean, sparkling mind!

Hope you enjoyed Day 17 Magic Practice (The Magic Check), it’s my all time favourite.

Here’s an interesting video clip to inspire abundance:

Have a Magical Day 🙂




Day 14 Magic Practice (Have a Magical Day)

Every so often we wake up and get out of bed in a bad mood, and thus event after event throughout the day goes wrong, and by the end of the day you might feel terribly miserable and very well defeated. Some of us do not make the connection to how we start the day and the outcome of the day. But these two are very closely related. Wake up with negative thoughts and things will spiral out of control. Wake up with positive thoughts, and your day will proceed much better, sure there will be obstacles, but these you can handle.

Therefore today’s magical practice is all about starting a magical day by mentally scanning all your activities throughout your day even before you started your day, and says thank you, thank you, thank you that each activity resulted in a positive outcome. For example, if you don’t like your job say, ‘thank you, thank you, thank you that I had a great day at work’. Say it as if it already happened, and feel it as if it were real. Do this with each and every single thing that you are expecting to be accomplished today, and see and feel it having been accomplished successfully before you even start.

Whether the task is simple or challenging, show gratitude, that you had gone through your day in a successful manner.

Just try this, and compare it to any other day where you allow your mood, and subconscious thoughts to take over, and you will see a difference in you thoughts, feelings, and therefore outcomes.

As the law of attraction states, ‘whoever is grateful for ……… will be given more, and whoever is ungrateful for……….will be given less.’

So give gratitude in all that you do, and watch your abundance and happiness expand.

Day 13 Magic Practice (Make All Your Wishes Come True)

Today’s magic practice is to me a thrilling activity, it brings much wonderment into one’s  life and keeps one walking on air for hours afterwards. Keep doing this practice and it will keep going for days, until you feel it
real, or indeed manifests. That’s when you know that your thoughts and reality is at the frequency you want it
to be.

Make a list of your top 10 desire, using a pen and paper, or sitting at the computer.Now rewrite at as if it really happened, and you are grateful for your desires manifesting into reality.

For example if you would like to get your dream job, write thank you, thank you, thank you for giving me my dream job
(at so and so)…

Do this with ten other desires, whether it is that you found your life partner, bought the car of your dreams, healed from an illness, write it as if it really happened, and feel the gratitude.

Now for each one imagine:

How did you feel when you heard the good news? Who was the first person you told? What did you do upon achieving your desired goal? Make it as real as possible.

The law of attraction doesn’t know the difference between reality and imagination, whatever you think and feel about yourself, the world around you, is what the universe believes is real, and what the universe believes is real, it brings in more of those thoughts and feelings into your life.

So only when you can truly experience your desires as real, will the universe reward you with it.

Day 12 Magic Practice (People Who Made a Difference)

All of us have come across some person or other who has made a huge positive impact in our lives. We might not have realised the value of this person back then, but over the years, and looking back, we see that it was a certain person who inspired us to be where we are today.

It might be a teacher, an uncle or aunt, a neighbour, a counselor, nanny, it could be anyone who instilled within you a seed of faith about your ability to do something and it spurred you on to explore and excel in this endeavor.

Your task is to be grateful for this person. Probably, you have lost contact with the person concerned, or you would feel awkward approaching him/her at this point, or whatever the situation may be.

But you can still have an imaginary talk with this person. In fact, choose three people whom you are truly grateful for, and tell them why you are grateful to them, and how their involvement in your life has made a huge positive difference in where you are today.

For me, this person is my best friend, so mine will like something like this:

Thank you, Y, for being a true friend to me. So many people had given up and turned their backs on me, but always, you remained faithful and steadfast at my side. Just by doing so, I learned to love myself, because I knew that at least one person out there cared for me. You cared and believed in me so much that I started learning to love and like people, enough to want to improve their lives too and inspire them, to never give up, and that every day is a second chance. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Do the same with two other people who made a huge impact on your life. According to the author of ‘The Magic’ it is best to ‘speak’ to all three chosen persons in a row, because that will amplify the feeling of gratitude.

And as the LOA states, the more you feel gratitude, the more it multiplies.

Day 11 Magic Practice (Magical Morning)

What better way to start your day than with a spirit of gratitude?

In today’s practice (best done tomorrow morning when you awaken) you will start your day even before you get out of bed, with gratitude. Start by being grateful for a great night’s sleep. Then be grateful for your warm bed and blankets. Is it winter and you have central heating? Be grateful, many people out there do not have this privilege.

When you get into the shower be grateful for hot water, some people don’t have a bath/shower with hot water. If you  have cold water, just be grateful that you have water.

Do the same with you breakfast. If you getting dressed for work, be grateful for your work attire, and that you have work to go to. If you are looking for work be grateful for the time you now have to re-assess your life, your career, set goals.

Continue with this throughout the day with everything you have, all the opportunities presented to you as you go through the day.

You will notice an  amazing shift in your mindset, and also the outcome of the day.

As the Law of Attraction states, the more grateful you are, the more will receive that which you are grateful for in abundance.

Have a magical morning!

Day 9 The Magic Practice (The Money Magnet)

One of the greatest mistakes some of us seem to make when it comes to money issues, is our tendency to complain about  the bills we pay. Sure, no one likes to pay bills, but this act in itself is extremely anti-abundance. It defies the Law of Attraction, because whatever feelings we have at any given moment, these feelings multiply. So if you are feeling negative about giving out money, you will continue to create situations where you continue to feel that negativity about paying bills, and you will have more bills to pay. And so the cycle continues.

So how do we feel happy about paying our bills? The author of ‘The Magic’ suggests that we feel grateful for the goods and services that we received as a result of that bill. Because we were able to pay the bill we could enjoy hot water and electricity, if it was a grocery bill, feel the gratitude for the delicious meals you were able to eat because you could pay that grocery bill.

And to increase this sense of gratitude, take all your previously paid bills, and write on the bill, ‘thank you-paid’. Find at least 10 bills you have paid in the past and write ‘thank you-paid’ on it. If you have unpaid bills and haven’t paid, or haven’t yet the money write, ‘thank you for the money’, and then when you do receive the money write thank you-paid.

You will feel an enormous sense of gratitude, and not only this, you will remember that you have received a great service or product simply because you were blessed to have the money to pay your bills.

Another practice related to paying bills involved imagining that you are receiving exactly the same amount of money as the bill that lies before you. Instead of fretting on a negative feeling, feel as if have just been given that amount, feel the joy of receiving.

As the Law of Attraction brings you exactly how you think or feel, you are sure to attract more of the good stuff into your life.

Day 5 (Magical Practice- Magical Money)


Been practicing the magic for 5 days, and so far, so good. I feel so energized and enriched. Keeping this magical journey, draws me into continuous awareness to alter my thoughts whenever my subconscious unwittingly decides to tempt me with complaints. I just shove that sorry thought out of my mind and replace it with something positive.

Today’s magical practice is once again involves an affirmationand consists of two parts.

Think back to your childhood and list all the things that you had, all the privileges and opportunities that came to you at no cost at all. For example, did you get a car ride to school? Were you fortunate to get good dental treatment? Did you always come home to a deliciously cooked meal? Did your school have extramural activities that you were able to participate in? Did you learn to play a musical instrument? Did you have opportunities to develop your talent? All these things were blessings that you were showered upon you, things that other kids might not have had, things that made your life and childhood easy, and even a joy. Now is the time to express gratitude for all those blessings. Those things were at a cost, someone had to pay, and it was not you, yet the money for it, the opportunities, for you were always there, free of charge.


Part 1

List all the things that you received in your childhood that you were grateful for:

1. Thank you, that I had the opportunity to attend and complete all my school years.

2. Thank you for the home-cooked meal that was always waiting for me after a long day at school.

3. Thank you for the car ride that I had to school every  morning through all my twelve years of schooling.

4. Thank you for all the essential items I had at my fingertips, toothpaste, shampoo, soap, etc.

5. Thank you for the TV that we had that kept me entertained throughout my childhod years.

6. Thank you for the clean room, with pretty curtains, beddings, and carpets, and for the furnishing in  my room that made it a pleasure to be in my own personal space to play, read, do my homework, and sleep with comfort.

7. Thank you for the large spacious backyard, and front garden where I could play safely during the long summer months.

8. Thank you for the kitchen that was always stocked with sweet goodies, cakes, biscuits, chips, chocolates, and all the things kids love, as well as the healthy things such as fruits that were also readily available.

9. Thank you for the endless supply of water and electricity that came with the turn of a tap, and the flip of a switch.

10. Thank you for the clothes I was given, and that I always had something warm to wear  on those bitter cold winter days.

Part 2

Thank You For All The Money I Have Ever Received Throughout My Life

Write this affirmation on a dollar bill (or stick it on the dollar bill) and place it where you can see it throughout the day. Whenever you see it during the

day affirm that you are grateful for all the money that you have ever received. Do this as many times as possible

Day 3 (Magic Practice- Magic Relationships)


Today’s magical practice is to be grateful for three people who have made a positive impact in our lives. First I will choose, the photos of three different people, then write five things that makes me grateful to have or have had them in my life.

My Husband:

Thank you T, for showing me how to love again, after all those years of heartbreak because now I know that love is possible if you just truly, firmly believe in it.

Thank you T, for being a great support early in our relationship when we hardly even knew each other that well, and carrying me through that awful phase when I lost my job because you helped me to still see my talents, and to believe in myself despite setbacks.

Thank you T, for introducing me to your wonderful family, so loving and different to my own, because it is like a second chance for me to have a family who supports and respects me in a way that my own family never did.

Thank you T, for loving me unconditionally despite my past because it taught me that there are people in this world who can overlook a past and accept one for who we are in the present and who we intend to be in future.

Thank you, T, for all these lovely memories and photos that we have made in just more than a year of knowing each other, because this short time feels more meaningful than even ten  or twenty years before we met and I know that our baby girl to come, will have a happy childhood.

My Best Friend

Thank you Y, for sticking by my side for the last 11 years, despite all the issues we have had because you taught me to be a real friend.

Thank you Y, for forgiving me at times when I have done or said nasty things in anger, only to regret it, because you understood I didn’t mean what I had done or said, and understood the real issues beneath the outburst which was not about trying to hurt you but other happenings in my life.

Thank you, Y for all the times when you just dropped whatever you were doing to be at my side, even risking leaving your work, when I was in a tough situation and crying out for help because you showed me that you cared and I was worth (in dire moments) more than what you were doing.

Thank you Y, for still sticking around even when I left you, many times, to live and work abroad, leaving you by yourself, because you taught me that true friendship knows no distance nor boundaries.

Thank you Y, for being at my side on my wedding day and through all the wedding plans, my greatest supporter, when even my sisters and cousins made themselves disappear, and even though your fiance had just called off your own wedding just five months before. My heart was aching for you and I was so grateful because you showed me how you could be happy for someone despite your own sorrows.

Oprah (Yep, the media celebrity!)

Thank you, Oprah for always being in my living room as if you were a great mother to me in my adolescent years when I had no one to turn to because you were my inspiration to overcome all those issues to make myself stronger.

Thank you, Oprah, for always having just the right show to heal whatever phase I was going through in my life, because it was like God was guiding me to you, and you were at that time better than any real person.

Thank you, Oprah, for all your generosity, because you taught me that great people become great because of their love for others and that giving never depletes but makes one stronger.

Thank you Oprah, for teaching me that a women can have as much power as men, and that when great women rule, their power through compassion can make the whole world be moved and alter people’s minds to heal the world.

Thank you Oprah, for teaching the world that we are great for who we are, and that anyone can overcome racial, class, and gender boundaries.

That’s it for today.

I still have to do the daily gratitude list, but will do it mentally seeing that time is a bit off today.

And tonight I will take my magic rock (see day 2) and be grateful for the best thing that happened today.

Day 2 ( Magic Practice-The Magic Rock)

ImageMy magic practice for today is to find a rock. Any rock. It doesn’t have to be expensive, or special or anything (but you can if you want), you can even get one from your garden. The whole idea is not that this rock is magical, because in fact it isn’t.

What you will do with this rock is to hold it in your hand every night before you fall asleep and say aloud the best thing that happened that day. In this way you will surely end your day with a feeling of success, that you had a meaningful day. You could call your rock the ‘gratitude rock’. As you can see, there is nothing magical about the rock. it is merely a reminder to be grateful, and according to the Law of Attraction, gratitude works like magic.

Next is my list of 10 things I am grateful for:

1. I am grateful for all the free audio books on Youtube, such as ‘The Science of Being Great’ because it is free and has also helped me on my personal transformation journey.

2. I am grateful that the kitchen AC has been fixed- finally- after a month of waiting for proper assistance because it is now a lot better seeing that I am living in this desert heat.

3. I am truly thankful for having health insurance (I didn’t for many years) because it really does make a huge difference in my quality of life.

4. I am blessed to have all this free time to do as I please (in a constructive manner) because I have worked very hard and deserve this amazing break.

5. I am grateful for the lovely, huge box of chocs my husband received from his client because they unwittingly chose all my favourite chocolates, and it’s enough to last six months.

6. I am grateful that my husband understands me (and the dysfunctional family I come from!) because he is able to console me, and help me to improve myself and overcome my past.

7. I am grateful for all the places I have worked, because each place has contributed to the person that I am today.

8. I am grateful for being married and to be a mom soon because exactly two years ago I at this time would have that it was impossible to find someone who could ever love me, and now I know the power of prayer (combined with the law of attraction).

9. I am grateful for having a great sense of intuition because I truly feel guided every step of the way.

10. I am grateful for ice cream in the fridge because I will have some now! 🙂

As you can see, it is not very hard to be grateful, and as I am sitting here I am already feeling positive and inspired to make the most of the day ahead.