Day 19 Magic Practic (Magical Footsteps)


Today’s practice is based on a habit of Einstein. It is said that Einstein said thank you a hundred times every day. He was grateful for every single thing that he had or experienced. He was a man who knew he was not an island, and that his very wellbeing was related to the toil of others, whether it was the clothes on his back, the desk at which he sat, he was grateful for everything.

Today’s magic practice involves expressing this type of gratitude. And what better way to remind you than by each and every footstep you take. So throughout the day each time your foot hits the ground you can be reminded to say ‘thank you’. Or you can choose certain times, like when you’re walking alone to you class, or to the store, or in the shopping mall.

It doesn’t matter where you are, the important thing is to say ‘thank you’ with every step you take.

Imagine the immense sense of gratitude you’ll feel by the end of the day.

And as the law of attraction has it, the more you feel grateful, the more things to be grateful for, will come your way, as you align yourself with gratitude.


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