Day 18 The Magic Practice (Magical To-do List)


We all have things to do, but sometimes never get down to it. Perhaps it’s because we don’t know where to begin to even get it done, perhaps the task is boring and laborious, or maybe we just don’t have the time to do it.

Imagine there was an easy way to complete your task. And sure with The Magic, you can.

The key here is to consider it done before you have even started. As with all magic practices you have to put in feeling, a feeling of achievement in this case of having gotten it done, and of course the magic ingredient gratitude. If it’s something that you have been holding off for a long time, then after visualising it done, it won’t be that hard to evoke feelings of gratitude and achievement. What better reward than crossing a task off your list!


So here goes:

Step one:

Make a list of three things that you really want get done

Step two:

Visualise that it has already been done for you

Step three:

Feel what you would feel if it were done already, let that feeling linger.

Soon you will find the quickest, easiest way to do it, you might be inspired to do it in a certain way that makes it more fun, or you’ll do it just for that sense of achievement that settles down within you after it is done.

Before I had stumbled across The Magic, I used to do this whenever I didn’t have the drive to clean my home. I would imagine how I would feel after everything is sparkling and spotless, (I loathe clutter) and how I would get on with more important things, like my creative projects and writing. A clean sparkling environment means a clean, sparkling mind!

Hope you enjoyed Day 17 Magic Practice (The Magic Check), it’s my all time favourite.

Here’s an interesting video clip to inspire abundance:

Have a Magical Day 🙂




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