Day 17 The Magic Practice (The Magic Check)

By now we know that being grateful for something before you have even received it, and for the highest good of all, leads you to obtaining the desired item or money.

You can have anything you want as long as you know what you want, ask for it, and believe that it is coming your way.

For some of us, not used to getting big things, asking for a Ferrari might seem impossible, and of course your vibrations will not be positive, and the universe will not feel your belief, it will only sense your doubt, and more doubt about your achieving it will manifest. Instead, you can try to manifest a simpler car, not as expensive, but achievable, despite your current circumstances.

So today, print out the magic check above  (many if you’d like), and write down amount you want, start small, if a huge amount is overwhelming. Place the check where you can see it, look at it as many times as possible during the day, and feel that you have received the money and item you desire to obtain with the money.

The key is to believe it is yours, visualise yourself buying owning that new suit or dress, shoes, or car, with immense gratitude.

The first time I did this practice, my thinking was kind of small so, I decided to manifest a small amount. The very next day, someone sent me airtime by mistake, it was a very small amount but enough to make about a few calls and send texts. I wanted to return it, as it was obviously a mistake,  but the sender sent a message to keep it anyway. What a joy it was, if only airtime, and from then on I decided to manifest bigger things. Start small and work your way up.

Remember, believe you already have it, and be grateful for it.




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