Day 16 magic Practice (Magical Health)

When we are young and youthful we tend to take our health for granted. It just is. You feel invincible because you don’t suffer all those ailments you often see others suffering from, the kid in your class who always used to wheeze, grandma and her aching limbs, the neighbour with the slight limp. It all seems to happen to other people only, and not to you.

However, health risks are always staring from the horizon, waiting to pounce when you least expect it. But there is a way to avoid this from ever happening. Obsess about illness, and you start becoming ill, think yourself in terms of health and vitality, and attract more health and vitality into your life.

So how do you do this, and if you are ill, can you ‘cure’ yourself of it.

You can do this by mentally imagining the ideal state of whatever it is you wish to be healed. If it is your vision, imagine that you have perfect vision, does this a few minutes a day, imagine how it would feel to be able to see everything clearly without any aids. If you suffer from a kidney disease, forget what the doctor says, imagine your kidneys perfect and fully functional. Do this daily, and believe this is true. There is so much evidence of how the mind controls either the ill or good health of one’s body. Let it be the positive thoughts in your mind and feelings that heal you. And gratitude has that power to heal, because the more grateful you are, the more you’ll attract what you are grateful for.

So now it’s time to show gratitude for all the health you had in your life, and the health that will come in future.

Step 1:

Look back at your past, and think of three times in your life that you were most grateful for your health. Say thank you, thank you, thank you, and say it like you mean it, with the utmost feeling of gratitude.

Step 2:

Look at your current health and choose five aspects of your health that you are grateful for, and say thank you, thank you, thank you. It could be your kidneys, arms, legs, eyes, ears, they all provide a unique function that no other part can do as well. Your hands that help you to type if you are a typist, your voice that helps you to sing, your legs that take you places, especially if your job involves moving around a lot, and not only this, but you can do so many things independently, because of your legs, the list is endless. You are blessed with so many wonderful abilities through the functions of your body, and it’s healthy parts.

Step 3:

Think about the health you would like to maintain or attain in future.  Choose one aspect that you would like to improve. If you are suffering from an ailment, imagine that in future it is fully healed. This good be your eyesight, blood pressure, heart condition, anything that can be healed, is possible.

So many people, upon hearing that they have an illness focus on it in a negative state, always looking for clues that they are worsening, and putting all their feelings and thoughts into their own demise. As the law of attraction would have it, you will attract more of it. So put your thoughts and feelings, all your energy into a sense of a healthy state of body and mind.

The best thing or your health, no matter what state you are in, is to be grateful for it.

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