Day 15 Magic Practice (Magically Heal Your Relatiionships)

By now we should know that whatever feelings we have, these feelings multiply, they are vibrations you send to the universe, and the universe will try to match it by sending you more of it.

So if you are feeling bad about a relationship, guess what? The bad feelings will multiply because what you send out, returns to you.

So what if someone hurt you so bad, and you can’t let go of that feeling? Can’t forgive? Can’t bless that person? Don’t worry if you fall in this category you are very normal, it takes courage above the normal, to be able to transcend the hurt and pain someone as caused you. They may have done a terrible injustice, and it has impacted you really badly.

But according to the author of ‘The Magic’, there is gold in every relationship. In order to see this you have to let go of who was right, and who was wrong. You can acknowledge that it is the past, and can no longer have power over you in a negative way, but can benefit you.

Whether it is you father, mother, ex partner, a sibling, an unpleasant encounter with a stranger, it does not matter. What matters is seeing how this negative experience as made you a stronger person.

For example, if you have an ex boyfriend/ex husband who is burning up your life write down this person’s name and thank him…

Y..(the person’s name) Thank you for the experience i had with you, it taught me what to avoid in my next relationship so that I can make better choices in choosing a partner in future.

An uninvolved mother…

Mom, thank you for the experience I had with you, I now see the importance of what a mom means, and I know that everything that I have longed for as a child from you, and never got, I will give to my own children. I will shower them with all the love and affection in my heart.

A teacher who said something horrible and affected you in a bad way;

Mr Y (name) Thank you for what you said to me, it made me realise that there are really weak people in this world, and it takes a weak person to say something this horrible, as a teacher myself, I now guard my words and makes sure that every word that comes out of my mouth nurtures that child’s self-esteem, and therefore I am loved as a teacher.

Pick one person with whom you have a negative relationship, and thank them for the experience you had with them, using the  format above.

As you see how the person has helped you to be a better person, you slowly begin to let go of that negative feeling, and will instead bear positive thoughts which will help you more on your path to abundance.

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