Day 13 Magic Practice (Make All Your Wishes Come True)

Today’s magic practice is to me a thrilling activity, it brings much wonderment into one’s  life and keeps one walking on air for hours afterwards. Keep doing this practice and it will keep going for days, until you feel it
real, or indeed manifests. That’s when you know that your thoughts and reality is at the frequency you want it
to be.

Make a list of your top 10 desire, using a pen and paper, or sitting at the computer.Now rewrite at as if it really happened, and you are grateful for your desires manifesting into reality.

For example if you would like to get your dream job, write thank you, thank you, thank you for giving me my dream job
(at so and so)…

Do this with ten other desires, whether it is that you found your life partner, bought the car of your dreams, healed from an illness, write it as if it really happened, and feel the gratitude.

Now for each one imagine:

How did you feel when you heard the good news? Who was the first person you told? What did you do upon achieving your desired goal? Make it as real as possible.

The law of attraction doesn’t know the difference between reality and imagination, whatever you think and feel about yourself, the world around you, is what the universe believes is real, and what the universe believes is real, it brings in more of those thoughts and feelings into your life.

So only when you can truly experience your desires as real, will the universe reward you with it.

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