Day 9 The Magic Practice (The Money Magnet)

One of the greatest mistakes some of us seem to make when it comes to money issues, is our tendency to complain about  the bills we pay. Sure, no one likes to pay bills, but this act in itself is extremely anti-abundance. It defies the Law of Attraction, because whatever feelings we have at any given moment, these feelings multiply. So if you are feeling negative about giving out money, you will continue to create situations where you continue to feel that negativity about paying bills, and you will have more bills to pay. And so the cycle continues.

So how do we feel happy about paying our bills? The author of ‘The Magic’ suggests that we feel grateful for the goods and services that we received as a result of that bill. Because we were able to pay the bill we could enjoy hot water and electricity, if it was a grocery bill, feel the gratitude for the delicious meals you were able to eat because you could pay that grocery bill.

And to increase this sense of gratitude, take all your previously paid bills, and write on the bill, ‘thank you-paid’. Find at least 10 bills you have paid in the past and write ‘thank you-paid’ on it. If you have unpaid bills and haven’t paid, or haven’t yet the money write, ‘thank you for the money’, and then when you do receive the money write thank you-paid.

You will feel an enormous sense of gratitude, and not only this, you will remember that you have received a great service or product simply because you were blessed to have the money to pay your bills.

Another practice related to paying bills involved imagining that you are receiving exactly the same amount of money as the bill that lies before you. Instead of fretting on a negative feeling, feel as if have just been given that amount, feel the joy of receiving.

As the Law of Attraction brings you exactly how you think or feel, you are sure to attract more of the good stuff into your life.

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