Day 8 Magic Practice (The Magic Ingredient)

In today’s magic practice we will remember to say ‘thank you’ for every single food or drink that we will take in.

Look at your breakfast table, and be thankful for each and every item on your plate. If you are eating eggs, think of the chicken that produced the egg, and be grateful for it. If you are having fruit for example, think of the fruit pickers who sweat long hours often  in the harsh sunshine picking fruits, so that we can have the ease of just picking them up at the supermarket. Think of the fisherman who went out to sea to get the fish that now lies so easily on your plate before you. Be grateful for every grain of sugar, for every pinch of salt, because even these were brought to you through the toil of someone else, to make your lives easier.

The writer of ‘The Magic’ also shares how she often waves her hands over her food and drink as if sprinkling ‘magic dust’ of gratitude before eating and and drinking.

Be thankful for your food,  where it came from, and the people involved in making it so much more accessible to you.

So remember your blessings to have every single food item and drink at your disposal, and magic dust your food if you can.



Whoever is grateful, will be given more.


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