Day 6 Magical Practice (Works Like Magic)

For this practice, you need an invisible manager who follows you around you workplace and reminds you to jot down all the things you are grateful about work. It might be a supportive colleague, the fact that you have a decent office space, you get lots of training, your work supplies you with all the resources you need to fulfill you job, printer, photocopier, paper clips, laptop, etc. It might be that you are fulfilling your calling and your career is an absolute joy. You then could be grateful for this opportunity to have been able to follow your calling.

If you are a stay-at-home-mom, you could list the things you do around the house that you are grateful for, cleaning your home at your own leisure, having more quality time with your kids than working moms. The list goes on, be imaginative, take every aspect of your being home and be grateful for it.

Continue affirming how grateful you are for your job throughout the day.

As the law of attraction states, if you are grateful for something, you will get more of it, if you are ungrateful for something, that something multiples. Your thoughts are your reality. No matter how tough your job is hold your thoughts and feelings to the good stuff, and it is this which multiplies.

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