Day 5 (Magical Practice- Magical Money)


Been practicing the magic for 5 days, and so far, so good. I feel so energized and enriched. Keeping this magical journey, draws me into continuous awareness to alter my thoughts whenever my subconscious unwittingly decides to tempt me with complaints. I just shove that sorry thought out of my mind and replace it with something positive.

Today’s magical practice is once again involves an affirmationand consists of two parts.

Think back to your childhood and list all the things that you had, all the privileges and opportunities that came to you at no cost at all. For example, did you get a car ride to school? Were you fortunate to get good dental treatment? Did you always come home to a deliciously cooked meal? Did your school have extramural activities that you were able to participate in? Did you learn to play a musical instrument? Did you have opportunities to develop your talent? All these things were blessings that you were showered upon you, things that other kids might not have had, things that made your life and childhood easy, and even a joy. Now is the time to express gratitude for all those blessings. Those things were at a cost, someone had to pay, and it was not you, yet the money for it, the opportunities, for you were always there, free of charge.


Part 1

List all the things that you received in your childhood that you were grateful for:

1. Thank you, that I had the opportunity to attend and complete all my school years.

2. Thank you for the home-cooked meal that was always waiting for me after a long day at school.

3. Thank you for the car ride that I had to school every  morning through all my twelve years of schooling.

4. Thank you for all the essential items I had at my fingertips, toothpaste, shampoo, soap, etc.

5. Thank you for the TV that we had that kept me entertained throughout my childhod years.

6. Thank you for the clean room, with pretty curtains, beddings, and carpets, and for the furnishing in  my room that made it a pleasure to be in my own personal space to play, read, do my homework, and sleep with comfort.

7. Thank you for the large spacious backyard, and front garden where I could play safely during the long summer months.

8. Thank you for the kitchen that was always stocked with sweet goodies, cakes, biscuits, chips, chocolates, and all the things kids love, as well as the healthy things such as fruits that were also readily available.

9. Thank you for the endless supply of water and electricity that came with the turn of a tap, and the flip of a switch.

10. Thank you for the clothes I was given, and that I always had something warm to wear  on those bitter cold winter days.

Part 2

Thank You For All The Money I Have Ever Received Throughout My Life

Write this affirmation on a dollar bill (or stick it on the dollar bill) and place it where you can see it throughout the day. Whenever you see it during the

day affirm that you are grateful for all the money that you have ever received. Do this as many times as possible

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