Day 4 (Magic Practice- (Magical Health)


Today’s magical practice is to repeat a magical health affirmation. You can repeat it as many times as possible during the day while feeling amazing health, and a deep sense of gratitude for it. Write it down on a piece of paper and place it somewhere where you will see it and be reminded to affirm your health, for example, attach it to your PC, or if you watch TV place it on the TV, or in the kitchen if you are cooking. Important thing is to be conscious of the affirmation at all times, and to feel grateful for you health.

Here is the affirmation:

The Gift of Health is Keeping Me Alive

In the spirit of gratitude for health my daily gratitude of list will be based on it:

1. I am grateful for my good health because it is allows me to fulfill all the tasks I need to complete with total independence.

2. I am grateful for my healthy pregnancy because I know that my baby is safe and developing as she should.

3. I am grateful for my eyes because it allows me to see the beauty all around me.

4. I am grateful for my healthy lungs because I can breath easily.

5. I am grateful for my feet which takes me places where I would like to go easily.

6. I am grateful for my sound mind because I can use logic and solve problems.

7. I am grateful for my heart which ensures that all my organs are functioning at it’s optimum thus serving me in the best way possible.

8. I am grateful for my hands which allows me to do many things and serve humanity through typing positive messages for all.

9. I am grateful for my ears that allows me to appreciate beautiful music and the wonderful sound of nature.

10. I am grateful for my sense of smell, because lovely smells uplift my spirit and makes me feel great.

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